Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paper Reading-Hand Gesture Recognition

Robust hand gesture recognition with kinect sensor

The authors of this paper confront the problem of gesture recognition on the Microsoft Kinect.  The biggest problem is the relatively low resolution of the Kinect's optical sensors.  To help alleviate this problem the authors combined different approaches, using the color and depth maps together, to compensate for this low resolution.

To test their gesture recognition application they build two small programs: a rock paper scissor game and a very simple calculator.  Both of these programs focus on finger and hand gestures, something the Kinect does not support natively.  The paper did not go into depth about the actual user studies and how much data was collected.  The only thing it did say was that the testing yielded positive results and in conclusion, their application had a 90.6% efficiency rating when detecting the correct hand gesture.  


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