Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Paper Reading #7- Kinect to Architecture

Kinect to Architecture

The beginnings of the article is pretty similar to the other articles I have covered so far so in this review I will focus on its last section: the user study.  The group of participants were given a trial to complete two separate times.  The first time the users had to use the Kinect based gesture system to guide an avatar to grab several rings.  The second time the users had to use a keyboard which had the gestures mapped to various keys. The locations of the rings were randomized but the general distance was not so that there was no noise in the difference between the trials.  Afterwards, the users were given a survey that measured their satisfaction of each gesture. The trials measured the following parameters: accuracy, responsiveness, and memorability.  The surveys asked the users about these: ease of use and "fatigueness" (i.e. how tiring any particular gesture was).

Source: http://www.ivs.auckland.ac.nz/ivcnz2011_temp/uploads/1543/2-Kinect_to_Architecture_v2.pdf

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